Feb 12, 2007

God Party Part 2

It's snowing hard outside at MTI in Palmer Lake, CO. No one's going to church this morning...at least not those of us who aren't experts in driving in snow (Mike). So, we instead decide to have church at MTI as a community. We sing worship, watch a Nooma video, and get in small groups to discuss praises and prayer requests. So far so good.

We went around the group talking about the praises we have felt from God as we've been on our journeys to missionaryhood. I talked about how I am so thankful for everyone around me at SPLICE: the support/encouragement they have given me, the confirmation and growing heart God has produced in me for Ukraine, and for the amazing new friendships He has given me. Then came the prayer request. I didn't want to be typical. I wanted to think of something deep and..well..different. But nothing else was on my heart and mind but support raising. So, with hesitation, I asked for prayer for my support. I talked about how hard it had been for me lately and how I felt my resources back home were tapped out and running thin. I didn't know what to do. I needed their prayers badly. Others shared, we prayed, then we left to go on about our day.

Later we went to Wal-Mart, braving the snow and ice-packed roads. It was fun! Anyway, as my friend Holly and I sat in Wal-Mart waiting for the rest of the crew to finish their shopping, I received a call from my pastor back in Conway. He went on to tell me about that morning at church. They had talked about finances and how we should look at where our money is going and be good stewards/givers of our blessings. THEN he mentioned me in the sermon, by name!, and how I was having a hard time raising support because of the reasons I listed above. He said this! That morning! During the sermon! Me?! THEN, after the service a man came up to my pastor and gave him a donation to be given to me. WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! (these are things I yelled to my pastor on the phone)

How awesome is it that just a few hours before this phone call Molly (another friend) had specifically prayed for my support--giving reasons of my resources running low--then my pastor called me with an answer to that prayer?! It was almost happening at the same time even! As we were praying for money and my needs, my pastor was talking about money and me and my needs! DANG IT! I just can't get over how cool God is, and how...if we are obedient and have complete faith in Him...He will answer our prayers and give us what we ask for.

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22

Note: The beginning of the story is set in present time for dramatic effect. I am not in Colorado; I am currently back in Arkansas. Sorry if it caused any confusion...there, Jay, you happy now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even though i heard this story from you firsthand at mti, i still got goosebumps as i read your post! one of the things i think is so cool about things like this is that through them we can get an undeniable sense that we are exatly in the place God wants us! So print your post out, write in in your journal, put it on your mirror, your door frames, etc and the next time you're tempted to worry and doubt, read it and be reminded of God's provision. Yay God!