May 22, 2018


Per usual in my life, I write/blog regularly, then stop for a couple years.  I then come back and blog/write regularly, to then stop once again for a year or two.  Thus is my life.  I'm not a missionary in Ukraine any more.  I don't have supporters waiting with bated breath to hear about the next cool thing God is doing in Ukraine...or rather the next picture of my apartment, weird food I've eaten that day, or next embarrassing story of me fumbling through life in Europe.  There's just no accountability to push me to blog, no obligation to fulfill.  

BUT...I do have stuff going on, don't get me wrong.  It's not like I don't have anything to say.  I ALWAYS have something to say let's be honest here.  Especially now.  Right now, I'm probably the healthiest spiritually, mentally, and emotionally I've been in a long time.  I mean, I have my moments, of course.  Those low times where I'm really feeling my job, my finances or lack thereof, or my singleness.  Those times come in waves.  If I look at the past year as a whole, though, it's good.  Like high-fives-all-around good. 

Yes, I still work at a job that seems so meaningless to me (Ecclesiastes-style meaningless). 
Yes, I still battle contentment and yearn to explore the burning in my gut that I am meant for so much more than this. 
Yes, I am still single--in my 30s--and want so badly to have someone to share life's adventures; someone who struggles and rejoices with me; someone who challenges me and I him; someone who will randomly get on a plane and fly to Czech Republic with me just because it sounds fun.

BUT...Yes, I have my people, my church, my family who are here and actually near (well, some of them) who bless me in a ways I cannot begin to describe. 

Yes, I am now free from the bitterness of my trauma. 
Yes, I have forgiven and been forgiven. 
Yes, I can now be so very thankful for ALL the mess.
Yes, I can now see that God's promise to never leave me was true then and continues to be true now.
Yes, I can now, with my whole heart, say YES and AMEN*.

*2 Corinthians 1:20 (ESV)
"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."
All that to say...I should write more.  There's been a lot to say.  We'll see. 

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