Jul 5, 2011


Making up for not posting in the last few days (I'm trying to post once every day, or at least every other day), I have two new posts below!  TWO!  Well, I suppose this one makes three. So...THREE!!  I have also updated the "Snap Shots" section with tons of new photos from the past few months.  Get excited!!  Do some high kicks and dance a jig!!  Now pass out because you've been more active in the past few minutes than you have in a year.  Wait...is that just me?  To each his own.


lp said...

sooooo gooooood! i love and have missed your posts! glad you're back! i want to eat pretzels now!!!

lp said...

yah, and it wasn't just you. pretty sure that was too much activity for me! :P

um...and i still think you should come and visit. and maybe go to school out here. really. really. really. :)