Dec 22, 2008


Brooke and Garrett rode their first marshrutka today. I LOVE sharing this experience with marshrutka-virgins. I personally feel marshrutkas are the devil's vehicles, so it is enjoyable for me to see others come to the same realization. Brooke almost got pushed off and left as we shoved ourselves on. I quickly grabbed her hand and held it as tightly as I possibly could...NO SISTERS LEFT BEHIND!...she was scared. The look on their faces, especially Brooke's, was priceless. Finally the crowd filtered a bit and we came to our destination. At that point we were able to debrief a little about their experience. Now they know and understand the marshrutka experience.

I'm SO Happy!

Our European Smiles


Big Sis said...

Well you THREE - its about time you all got it together. Katie sais, Oh Cool!! James sais, hehe. Thought it was funny and mom what are you doing? I hope you are all having a wonderful time and enjoying each other. I am very happy for you all and you all DO look happy. Merry Christmas! D, Katie & James... love you all..

Anonymous said...

I must comment on your beautiful furniture! So fancy!! Did you bring that over in a crate...well worth!!! and if it is like an antique of your grandmas then i'm a jerk. nonetheless you look great! and happy!!

lp said...

your hat is super sweet.
the pig is super sweet too.

Anonymous said...

what's a marshrutka??

Unknown said...

yay!! i'm so glad hey made it safe and you had some family time for the holidays! i got my super fun Ukraine goody and your christmas card - THANK YOU!!!!! love it! love it! love it!!! and i love you! i hope you had a wonderful christmas!