Oct 17, 2006

Oh those wheat fields in Iowa! ....wait.....

I just had a FANTASTIC weekend. I went to Iowa to see Sheryl (Liz), Lindsay & Andre, Honor, Collin, and Eric...and whoever else I got to see! I got see my friends who fill me up and leave me feeling like I can do anything! I love them. I am encouraged by them, challenged by them, and moved by them. Never have I wanted to live in Iowa more. :-)

My heart broke as I said goodbye last night and this morning. I don't know when I will see them again...wow...I just realized that. I really don't know when, before I leave for Ukraine? Now I'm more sad. But...though it's sad. I'll take it. I'll take the sadness if it means having people in my life who make me feel whole and feel trully at home. I'll take the sweet sadness that comes with saying goodbye.


Anonymous said...

nearly what i posted on my blog.
i love you my friend...
maybe we could spent christmas together at hotel deville in jefferson city? just a thought. bring your sis. we can visit the capitol. how much fun would that be????

Anonymous said...

ps....the picture. you posted it on your blog! you are amazing.

Anonymous said...
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